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  1. R

    How does latency occur in project, track and rendering?

    It is more of a curiosity than an actual problem. I just want to know the principle of how latency happens and how DAW like reaper fix and match those latency. But when i used izotope RX in a track, i could notice the screen visual timing and actual sound didn’t match in playback.(maybe this is...
  2. R

    How does latency occur in project, track and rendering?

    I’m suddenly wondering about latency on project and rendering. I haven’t really thought about this deeply but i started to think about it recently. My question is, If i use lots of different heavy plugins on different tracks, how its latency occurs when i playback the project? i’m assuming 3...
  3. R

    I have questions about Lissajous, phase meter and phase correlation meter

    1. What is the difference between Lissajous and phase meter exactly? They look very similar to me. How are they used practically in different situations? 2. From what i’ve understood, 0~1 means it is between stereo to mono. And ‘-1’ in phase correlation meter means left and right have the...
  4. R

    Audient id14mkii max input level?

    Ah if it is just a typo, i think all you said makes sense. As james said, I think they made some confusion(?) in their website. In the manual, they typed it as ‘microphone/line input’. but in website tech spec page, it is written as just ‘mic preamplifier’. I finally found this… Anyways, can u...
  5. R

    Audient id14mkii max input level?

    Both ‘max mic input level’ and just ‘max input level’ are written at same mic pre section if you see the website. I’m thinking the ‘max input level’ is the increased mic level to line level by adding gain. 21-12=9. So the minimum gain is +9db and the gain range is +9~+67db. And it has 17db...
  6. R

    Audient id14mkii max input level?

    Microphone preamplifier GAIN RANGE: 58dB LINEUP: 12dBu = 0dBFS MIC MAX INPUT LEVEL: 12dBu MAX INPUT LEVEL: 21dBu This is its mic pre input spec. What is the difference between ‘MIC MAX INPUT LEVEL’ and ‘MAX INPUT LEVEL’ here? The max input level(21dbu) is just the sum of Mic max input...