All analog recording. Full band.

How about this one with adolf hitler on spoons in the middle?

Is spoons one of those Brit-ism's like petrol and aerial for Vibraphone? Confusing enough with xylophone and even marimba or even the orchestral glockenspiel all being the same thing but not.
Is spoons one of those Brit-ism's like petrol and aerial for Vibraphone? Confusing enough with xylophone and even marimba or even the orchestral glockenspiel all being the same thing but not.
Spoons are actually spoons. Held round side to sound side with your fingers with a gap you play them like castanets and slap them on your leg. Very popular in the skiffle time. Petroleum and aerial still in use. We do use antenna a lot now but the BBC have a statue of Shakespeare’s aerial!
Spoons are actually spoons. Held round side to sound side with your fingers with a gap you play them like castanets and slap them on your leg. Very popular in the skiffle time. Petroleum and aerial still in use. We do use antenna a lot now but the BBC have a statue of Shakespeare’s aerial!
Just trying to figure out who is more confused here. The video states Hitler was on Vibes not spoons, hence the question. That whole separation by a common language thing does crop up occasionally.
Ha! Well I got close. There’s another track called something like jazz delicious cold. Where they play jazz solos really badly. So badly it’s a good job they were all good musicians. You need to be to play them that badly!