Recent content by gstoelen

  1. gstoelen

    Midi issues Roland JP-8080 with plugin and ESI M4u eX interface

    Hi all, I'm having issues with my JP-8080 and the combination of an ESI M4U eX midi interface, and the JP-80x0 editor plugin from Mystery Islands. I'll quickly explain how it's set up: The JP's midi OUT goes into port 5 of the midi interface, and its midi IN goes into port 6. The midi setup...
  2. gstoelen

    Logic Pro and Behringer 1820 + ADA8200

    You rock, Sir :) I've set the ADA8200 to Slave, 44.1Khz, matching the settings in Logic .. and voila :) Let there be sound. Thanks for the enormous help; and indeed I don't think it's explained in the docs very well!
  3. gstoelen

    Logic Pro and Behringer 1820 + ADA8200

    I think the ADA8200 is currently set to Slave; I'll check tonight and let you know how it goes :)
  4. gstoelen

    Logic Pro and Behringer 1820 + ADA8200

    Thanks for the feedback - I have the inputs sorted out; there's an option called I/O Labels in the Mix menu, it allows you to change the names of the input ports yourself. So that's fine, but the question regarding the "live" sound coming from the ADAT ports remains though .. All synths that are...
  5. gstoelen

    Logic Pro and Behringer 1820 + ADA8200

    Hi all, I'm quite new to integrating hardware synths into Logic Pro, and I ran into an issue. A few days ago I purchased a Behringer UMC1820 with an extension, the ADA8200. I think I cabled them correctly - the ADA8200 is set to slave, the ADAT/SPIF button on the front of the 1820 is set to...
  6. gstoelen

    Synth cabling

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to producing music (electronic genres mainly), and so far I've been using an iMac with a Focusrite Clarett 2Pre interface, and a bunch of VST's. Now I'm looking forward to adding a few hardware synths to the setup, and I was thinking about a Virus Ti, and possibly a...
  7. gstoelen

    [SOLVED] Focusrite Clarett 2Pre USB low output volume

    Hi, Last week I bought a Clarett 2Pre USB which is connected via USB-C to my iMac. I'm using KRK Rokit 6 G2 speakers. The problem is that output levels appear to be very low - I have to turn the monitor knob to at least 5, before a decent volume can be heard. I used to use a Saffire Pro 24 with...
  8. gstoelen

    Acoustic guitar going out of tune very fast

    Hi all, I'm a beginning guitar player and I bought an acoustic guitar. I managed to tune it, but I notice that about 4 out of the 6 strings, rapidly loose some tension. So when I played a few chords for a while and I let the guitar rest for half an hour, it sounds totally out of tune on those...