Recent content by markmann

  1. markmann

    Talk about room reflections . . .

    I can see the pics now. Cool room. I'm definitely no expert but looking at all of the wood, angled walls, and uneven surfaces tell me they are controlling the reflections and not removing them. I remember being in a studio once that was totally dead and I didn't like it.
  2. markmann

    Talk about room reflections . . .

    For whatever reason I can't see the pictures
  3. markmann


    Can you post a link to the video?
  4. markmann


    Sorry but there's just not enough info there for me to comment on.
  5. markmann

    ROK-LOK - Universal Strap Lock Solution (demo)

    Looks like a worthwhile product if you're looking for an alternative to what's already out there. I'm pretty happy with the strap locks that I have so I won't be switching.
  6. markmann

    Different Gear-Hook ups?

    I have a similar situation in that I have a midi-controller keyboard that has USB straight to the computer and I have an old keyboard with midi ports. For that one I just run the stereo signal out to my interface which is fine because I don't use it a lot and it sounds good.
  7. markmann

    Mics for Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, Rainsticks, Shamanic Drums...

    I have found that my most inexpensive mic's do a good job of recording percussion instruments which are the lowly AT2020. I have two of them and use both for recording things like moroccas and Shakers in stereo. They are a medium diameter condenser and handle higher SPLs than other condenser...
  8. markmann

    The plugin scam exposed. Did you fall for it?

    I don't fall for most of that crap but I think some do. I honestly would rather not have a fancy interface because those graphics use resources and screen space. When I find something that works I stick with it. Yes, years ago I was always on the lookout for the next best thing but it didn't...
  9. markmann

    I have a crazy drum idea, but I need advice

    I was thinking the same thing. My brother has 2 drum sets and neither one has bottom heads because he likes the sound better.
  10. markmann

    Have you ever had to go back and learn something of your own?

    They actually do though. Plenty of song writers sell songs to artists and also sell licenses to sync music. Also, once music is released most people have no idea it's been stolen unless it becomes a hit. Lots of copyrights are being violated all the time
  11. markmann

    Have you ever had to go back and learn something of your own?

    Many of my songs I write at the computer and I record as I go. Once the song is done I move on to the next song so if I want to play the song at a later time I have to try to remember what chords and scales I used. There is a chance that I will play original songs live so that will be interesting.
  12. markmann

    Cash or Credit?

    I always use credit as long as there is no extra charge which is 95% of the time. I earn points and turn them in for cash and I never carry a balance.
  13. markmann

    New to recording.

    Do you have a DAW? If not you need one. How many instruments will you be recording at the same time? If only one at a time you don't need the mixer unless you want to keep a bunch of instruments plugged in all the time. The loop station will plug into an input on either the Presonus or mixer.
  14. markmann

    The ‘Bassists are underrated’ thread

    IMO, every element is equally important. If any one fails the music as a whole fails.
  15. markmann

    When people

    I think he answered your question pretty well in his last post :-)