
Back in college there was a point when I was really down and out, terribly depressed. I was drinking way too much, my grades were slipping, all of my professors hated me, I was often broke, my VW Beetle wouldn't start half the time and I suspected the engine was soon to blow. Life just seemed to hate everything about me. Then I met her, an angel of mercy. She was nurturing, generous and kind, intelligent and pleasant company, with a wonderful personality. I was much obliged when she offered that I share her apartment. One day lying in bed after lovemaking, she asked if she was the only one I had ever slept with. I could not lie to her. I told her, yes. "Yeah, all the others were kind of like in the nine or ten range, maybe a few eights,..."

A couple of throw pillows & a beach towel, the back seat of a VW Beetle doesn't sleep half bad. So at least there was that. *shrug*

I guess that one didn't work? The set up too long? Mean spirited? Just not funny?

Me and buddies getting together probably this weekend to fish, tell a few lies and some jokes. I wanted one to slip in there that sounds like a real story until the punch line. The "a couple of throw pillows.." I threw in there to let the punch line sink in. By the time I got to the *shrug* I was hoping for dying laughing, with a dumb look on my face like I didn't quite understand how being honest went so wrong.

Long calm setup I would think works well while fishing, time typically isn't an issue while waiting for the bigun.

Back to the drawing board?
I guess that one didn't work? The set up too long? Mean spirited? Just not funny?

Me and buddies getting together probably this weekend to fish, tell a few lies and some jokes. I wanted one to slip in there that sounds like a real story until the punch line. The "a couple of throw pillows.." I threw in there to let the punch line sink in. By the time I got to the *shrug* I was hoping for dying laughing, with a dumb look on my face like I didn't quite understand how being honest went so wrong.

Long calm setup I would think works well while fishing, time typically isn't an issue while waiting for the bigun.

Back to the drawing board?
No, it works. One that you have to reread a couple lines leading up to the punch line before it registers. It is funny :-) , though I do feel sorry for the girl..
Wives might be there as well. That probably won't be a problem, there's typically a fair amount of good natured bantering between the guys and gals. No "ones" in the crowd. (y)
I guess that one didn't work? The set up too long? Mean spirited? Just not funny?

Me and buddies getting together probably this weekend to fish, tell a few lies and some jokes. I wanted one to slip in there that sounds like a real story until the punch line. The "a couple of throw pillows.." I threw in there to let the punch line sink in. By the time I got to the *shrug* I was hoping for dying laughing, with a dumb look on my face like I didn't quite understand how being honest went so wrong.

Long calm setup I would think works well while fishing, time typically isn't an issue while waiting for the bigun.

Back to the drawing board?
Took me a few years to circle back round but 🤣
Well, I guess I lost another friend on the facebooks. A guy I know from French Canadia, we were talking sports history. Trivia. He asked if I knew who won the first tour de France. Apparently the 5th Panzer Division wasn't the correct answer?

Blocked & deleted.
How many bassists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Doesn't matter, bassists are always in the dark...

How many lead vocalists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only one they just hold the bulb up and expect the universe to revolve around them.

I knew the pizza was here when I heard the drummer knock on the door.
How did I know it was a drummer? The knock sped up.
What's the difference between the drummer and the large pizza I ordered? The large pizza could feed a family of four.

What's the difference between a trombone and a trampoline? You take your shoes off to jump on the trampoline.
What do you call a drummer who breaks up with his girlfriend? Homeless...

There's a million of 'em.