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    Guitar amps

    Can someone help me with picking out a new guitar amp? I am looking to spend about $400 to $500 dollars, and not on one that starts sounding like crap after about a year! Thanks! Jake Brukhman
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    CD Recording

    Hello, I was just wondering about some basics with CD Recording. Supposing I have a CD-R or CD-RW, and a Roland VS-880... 1. Can I record music straight into the drive using the (maybe even digital) Audio Outs on the Roland? If so, how do I manage tracks, and what kind of Ins do I need for...
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    Need Feedback on Roland FX Card Patches

    What do you guys think about the Roland VS-880 effects card mic simulator patches...? (Namely: SM57-SM58, SM57-UB7, DR20-D421, and DR20-U87) Sincerely, aberdeen27
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    I have purchased a Roland VS-880, and down the road I plan to purchase a computer with a CD-R drive so I can transfer material from the VS-880 to CD. Do I necessarily need to go through the computer to record onto the CD-R (not that I don't want to) ? What are some optimal requirements for...
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    VS-880 and TRS

    I'm getting a VS-880 V-Expanded, and I'm a little confused with this whole 6 TRS input thing. First, isn't TRS a completely different, balanced, if you will, plug format from 1/4"? In that case, how can the VS-880 have a dedicated guitar input, since guitars use regular unbalanced 1/4"? Are...
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    Roland VS-880 and V-Expansion

    Does anyone know if I would have to purchase a VS-800 myself to be able to send it to Roland and have it V-expanded, or would I be able to buy a used unit and do the same? aberdeen27
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    VS-800 and V-Expansion

    Does anyone know if I would have to purchase a VS-800 myself to be able to send it to Roland and have it V-expanded, or would I be able to buy a used unit and do the same? aberdeen27
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    Cool Edit 96

    Is Cool Edit 96... cool?