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  1. brassplyer

    Will AI audio tools separate instruments in live recordings?

    There are modern AI tools that do a pretty good job of separating instruments on album tracks, do they work on live recordings, say of a jazz combo and a singer using the onboard mic of a camera?
  2. brassplyer

    Helen Gibson - the first professional film stuntwoman

    I just ran across this and thought it was interesting - I'd never heard of her before. Per the article she was the first professional film stuntwoman. There are...
  3. brassplyer

    Rocker chick Cherie Currie tired of Dem lies

    Rocker chick Cherie Currie finally wakes up and tells the (D) party to kiss her ass, she's tired of their lies. Dems are the pro-genital mutilation of minors, dudes in skirts stealing opportunities from women athletes, flooding the country w/unvetted illegal alien line-jumper criminals party -...
  4. brassplyer

    What MIDI instruments are equal to or superior to GigaStudio?

    The subject line pretty much says it.
  5. brassplyer

    Do you have a favorite audiophile forum?

    Any suggestions for a good audio gear forum to get info about amps, speakers, etc.? For the listening end, not the recording end.
  6. brassplyer

    What is a resolving system?

    What does the term resolving system mean in relation to hi fi audio?
  7. brassplyer

    Does Reaper have a function to render MIDI to .wav?

    Subject pretty much says it - can you take MIDI tracks and mix them down to a .wav file?
  8. brassplyer

    How to mix to a track?

    How do you mix to a new track? Don't find this mentioned in the user guide. My main familiarity is with Cakewalk, Reaper seems to have avoided using the nomenclature found within Cakewalk. Thanks!
  9. brassplyer

    What does Cakewalk do that Reaper doesn't do and vice-versa?

    Title pretty much says it. Anyone highly familiar with both? Thanks!
  10. brassplyer

    Cali must be overrun with fools - no one but a fool would vote for Newsom

    Hair-boy's lies fact-checked after he got his ass handed to him by DeSantis. No rational, honest person can deny that it was a complete smackdown by DeSantis. It had to be given that Newsom brought nothing but garbage with him.
  11. brassplyer

    Dana Loesch talks about the backstory of Thanksgiving

    I found this interesting - she says the holiday has its origins in a failed experiment in socialism.
  12. brassplyer

    The tolerant left - Levar Burton wants to beat up women who don't agree with him

    When can we expect Oprah to denounce Burton's inappropriate promotion of violence toward women? What a punk. Dana Loesch who agrees with the organization whose members Burton expressed a desire to pummel has said she'll be happy to accommodate him.
  13. brassplyer

    What it was like in Austria under the Nazis

    Among many other things she mentions - sounds like that "sensible gun control" you Bid卐n voters goose-step around clamoring for: Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers...
  14. brassplyer

    Oregon Suspends Basic Skills Graduation Requirement in the Name of Equity

    Too many minority students couldn't demonstrate even the most basic literacy so they waived the requirement to accommodate them. I guess this is how they fix those "historic injustices". I'm sure this warms leddy's heart...
  15. brassplyer

    $200k direct payment to Joe Biden

    Joedaughtershowers got some 'splainin to do.
  16. brassplyer

    Tulsi Gabbard outlines the evil of the DNC

    She doesn't use the term treason but what she accurately outlines is that Biden voters side with treason. Notice that she speaks in clear, complete sentences and thoughts - it's obvious they're *her* thoughts, unlike the stumbling, unnaturally inflected, dry-throated, soulless regurgitation of...
  17. brassplyer

    A/B sample - which do you like better

    Two examples of the same sections of a mix. Which do you prefer and why? To clarify - I didn't do the original recording of either the voice or the piano - they're singing along to a karaoke track, the piano has been pitch-shifted from the original key so sounds a bit burbly, I'm playing around...
  18. brassplyer

    Mr. Rogers' Race-Hustling Neighborhood

    Informative video by Matt Walsh about Henry Rogers aka Ibram X. Kendi.
  19. brassplyer

    Liquor aficionados - anyone familiar with Louis XIII cognac?

    If so do you find it to really be significantly and obviously different/better than more pedestrian liquor store cognacs like Courvoisier, Hennessy, etc.?