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  1. C

    Anyone know an insert plugin with MIDI Learn or CC7 capabilities?

    Dear Anyone. I HOPE I've not posted this here before and can't find the original post - I suck at websites - so if I have, just tell me! Hokay. I've got a notation DAW I love - Quick Score Elite Level 2. Nobody else has heard of it either! But its thing is - it uses CC commands for...
  2. C

    Dumbass questions about gainstaging - help or point me where to go!

    Dear Anyone. So mixwise - gainstaging wise - my pieces come in 3 flavours. 1.) Pieces that sound the same as anyone elses volume-wise - till you drop them into something like Audacity and see they're clipping like a hairdresser on steroids! 2.) Pieces that sound too quiet - till you do...
  3. C

    Dumbass noob trying to mix piano/strings/pads - make you experts laugh hysterically!!

    Dear Anyone. Pretty basic piece, 2 instances of a piano (left and right hands kept separate) sparkly pad panned left, soundfont choir panned right masquerading as the top end of the sparkly pad. Idea is, piano sits nicely in middle of pad-and-choir masquerading as One Beautiful Backing New...
  4. C

    Puzzled about reverb explanations - sorry - I know I'm being dumbass....

    Dear Everyone. Firstly - thanks for all the great advice I've had here, you're wonderful. Secondly - I thought I understood reverb till I read three different descriptions of it that seemed to contradict eachother. Here goes. First. "Reverb is used to push sounds back in a mix." Fair...
  5. C

    Anyone understand VSTs like Alchemy - general question about them all (and memory!)

    Dear Anyone. I'm working in 32-bit because I've got disability software that never got updated so I have to watch out for memory usage, or the whole thing just crashes and burns and takes your work with it! Most modern VSTs seem to be monotimbral, dunno WHY, but that seems to be the case...
  6. C

    Tips on mixing a piano VST, not a real piano?

    Dear Everyone. I'm writing solo piano tracks using a piano VST. It's Edirol Orchestral, it's a nice, clear sound but all the tips on filling up a mix with a solo instrument that I can find are all dependent on mike placement, room type etc. I can't find anything on mixing a piano if all you've...
  7. C

    Need sounds like the pads in these YouTube links, can anyone advise?

    Dear Anyone. Two things before I ask the question. First - if the question smells like bull, it's because I don't really know what I'm talking about. I'm basically not very well self-taught here so I'm kinda groping in the dark (did that sound bad!?!) Secondly - I know you can get things...
  8. C

    I use MIDI and notation for everything, got a question about busses!

    Dear Anyone. I use notation and MIDI for everything, am disabled, can't use anything else. Am trying to get the hang of mixing the New Age music I'm trying to write and I've hit a dichotomy (don't worry, am suing the guy who left it in the road!) I've read that in MIDI notation it should be...
  9. C

    Controlling volume on free synths

    Dear Anyone. I've got a bunch of free synths (high budget operator, me!) and I'm happy with the sounds for what I want to use them for, but they've all got the same problem. No CC controls, so how the heck are you supposed to control volume/velocity/panning etc? Is there any kind of plug-in...
  10. C

    Need help to make sounds sound good BEFORE I start mixing them.

    Dear Anyone. I'm a wannabe basic New Age composer. You know - lead sound, pads/strings. Thing IS - I've found a bunch of wonderful threads here about mixing - but not about making the sounds sound good BEFORE you mix them! That's the bit I cant do. If I write a piano'n'strings track (think...
  11. C

    How much can you change a basic sound with processing?

    Dear Anyone. Depending on the answer to this, might be a follow-up question but for now - hear(!) goes! I'm just hoping this doesn't sound too vague, because I'm trying to wrap my head around all of this mixing stuff. OK, if you've got - say - a real bunch of 23 real violinists in your back...
  12. C

    How can I put effects on MIDI output in Ableton Live 8.12

    Dear Anyone. I'm disabled so everything's MIDI and mouse for me. I use a notation program which I've MIDI Yoked to Ableton Live 8.1. I've only just got the package - legit, it's not cracked, just secondhand - and after a day's strugling managed to set up one multitimbral instrument with 4...
  13. C

    Sends take over from EQ - why!?!

    Dear Anyone. OK, I'm a noob. Dunno if this should be in the new starters bit or here, feel free to move it. Got told to use Reverb as a send effect. So I set it up as a SEND - and immediately all the parts I'd carefully EQ'd out came back again! Checked the EQ, there was still little green...
  14. C

    Cant get things LOUD enough, but meters say they're on zero DB. What gives?

    Dear Anyone. This applies to EVERY TRACK I've ever written, apart from one, and I dunno what the difference was with that one track! I'm using just MIDI, VSTs, entering every note with the mouse into QSE Level 2 because I can't play anything as I'm disabled. OK. So I write the track, mix it...
  15. C

    3 instances of synths in Sonar munches my whole dual-core computer - why?

    Dear Anyone. I'll keep this brief, but you can ask for any additional details you want. I've got a legal copy of Sonar X1 Producer, and a notation program, Quick Score Elite Level 2. I have to use the notation program because I'm disabled and can't play a keyboard phisically. OK. Quick...
  16. C

    How to add effects to seperate sounds from ONE instance of a multitimbral synth?

    Dear Anyone. OK. I've got my mixing/midi package (can be anything so I'm not using names!) I've put my MIDI file into it. I've got my Wonderful Multitimbral Synth (if I have to use names because the technique's different on different synths just say, I'm just seeing if there's an overall...
  17. C

    Wanted - SF2 player that responds to Velocity AND Volume MIDI controllers!

    Dear Anyone. Now I'm not a geek/gearhead, just a wannabe composer, so please keep the tech. talk baby-level! I'm working on the cheap, got a whole pile of lovely SF2s. BUT - I can't find an SF2 player that lets you control Volume AND Velocity via MIDI Controllers. Some of 'em have velocity...
  18. C

    Can you put sounds from ONE VSTi INSTANCE on SEPARATE TRACKS for mixing purposes?

    Dear Everyone. OK. Here's what I've got, it's all legally bought, the only thing cracked around here is me. Quick Score Elite Level 2 Notation (main music input system - MIDI'n'Mouse, me!) Sampletank Free Player, Proteus VX, Edirol Orchestral, Kontakt, Reason 5, Ableton Live 8. And various...
  19. C

    Ghost 'double-up' effect with Ozone 4 - why?

    Dear Anyone. I'm using Ozone 4 on a PC with Cubase 5. I've only just bought it, wanted to try it out. So I imported a soundfile into Cubase. Put Ozone 4 on the track as a plug-in. Chose a preset at random, just to see what it sounded like, pressed PLAY and got more pops'n'crackles than an...
  20. C

    PLEASE can someone help with SFARK - SFUNARK (move this thread if necessary!)

    Dear Anyone. When you've quite finished horse-laughing (I tried this thread on another forum and got flamed out of existence!) - I can't unARK ARKED soundfonts! I download the ARKed soundfont. Double-click on it. SFunARK kicks in and opens a little DOS window which says THIS SOUNDFONT HAS...