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  1. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Hey, but that's not true, is it. The quote to which you replied I asked about Canada. I've also heard it said that unlike the Brit "intelligencia", or whoever, Americans are not very worldly, incurious about the world at large beyond their own self interest. There may be some truth to that...
  2. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Oh please, nobody is shooshing or expecting anyone to obediently toddle along. You know better than that. And what makes you think we Americans would not be interested in what may or may not be going with our neighbors to the north? What do Canadians think of the Trudeau government, the guy who...
  3. Mick Doobie

    The Peaceful Political Roundtable

    Setting it up, mark my words. That'll be the next bullshit down the pike, it's dangerous, a threat to our precious democracy to question a trial/verdict. Cancellations and censorship. Calls in some circles for law enforcement to act. Talk about authoritarianism.
  4. Mick Doobie

    How worldly are we.

    Yeah, it was funny, funny in that it was left field and as far as I can tell had fuck all to do with the subject of the thread. Like an old grumpy dude living in his head, his own little grumpy world. Hey, find enjoyment and laughter where you can, right? It's like that old joke. Guy goes to a...
  5. Mick Doobie

    PSA: Do NOT try this at home!

    No, I wouldn't say that. Apologies if that was your impression. Such stupidity is difficult to believe, and out of curiosity looking up the story the police are not confirming the tile on the head story, or they seem unsure exactly what happened. I still think it should be thoroughly investigated.
  6. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Yeah yeah, we know that. You're under the impression we need you to remind us? Tell us something we don't know. Tell us about your country, Canada.
  7. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Do you see no problems in the country in which you reside? Perhaps you could help all of us see the problems in Canada? Could be interesting, to break the monotony, the monotony, monotony.
  8. Mick Doobie

    How worldly are we.

    Oh man, wasn't expecting that. That was good, thanks for the laugh. :laughings:
  9. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    He's got fodder issues. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  10. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Trump, man. Yuge!
  11. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Interesting. With that much ambiguity with such short deliberation time found guilty on all 34 counts. Seems legit. Now we gotta hear blah blah blah, admitted in his own words sexual assaulter and convicted felon on 34 counts. It won't stand, but they knew that.
  12. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Verdict, to what? I kid!
  13. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    Okay, I watched, thanks for posting. Interesting, he brings up some good points, or things that should open to being discussed. I haven't and don't hate the guy. I do think it is unfortunate that he lacks self control on how to properly conduct himself in public. Perhaps unwarranted, I kind of...
  14. Mick Doobie

    PSA: Do NOT try this at home!

    Aw man, if thread is to be believed the guy did something very unwise, and died. Horrifically tragic. Sure, make fun of the guy, but who here hasn't done something stupid, light a bottle rocket up your ass. Amirite.
  15. Mick Doobie

    “The Cave” Retro Appreciation Thread And Members

    close the cave
  16. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    I don't know what it is, some people I just can't enjoy watching, can't separate it, and it's not really over exposure. John Travolta, nothing against the guy, but can't watch him. All I'm thinking, it's John Travolta, I don't believe his acting. Hopefully doesn't become the same with DeNiro. A...
  17. Mick Doobie

    Trump on Trial!

    DeNiro, he doesn't seem particularly intelligent, interviews, whatever. But that's okay. He is or has-been a good actor, one of my favorites. Taxi Driver, wow. Saw that and The Exorcist n the same day as a kid, heck of a day. His scenes in The Godfather 2, among the best in the series, actually...
  18. Mick Doobie

    A Joe Biden Poll

    Nice try, there were no insults there, you're being overly sensitive. That's not an insult, it's an accurate characterisation. If you're honest you know what Trump meant with the grab 'em by the pussy thing, yeah? What he was describing is not sexual assault, is it? <-- that is a question...
  19. Mick Doobie

    A Joe Biden Poll

    You brought up authoritarianism, not I. It's silly, really.
  20. Mick Doobie

    A Joe Biden Poll

    Just as they trot out "He's a sexual assaulter, he admitted it from his own mouth!", in reference to the grab 'em by the pussy thing. Hysterical insincere bullshit. I mean, sadly, coming from supposed musicians. I don't know, maybe they never made it out of the basement or garage, never played...