Completey new to recording.


New member
I am a singer/songwriter/guitarist,who is looking for a good starting point at learning to record. I would like to know about any instruction tapes, books, or even info on this site that is good for the total begginner. I am also looking to get info on good equipment that would allow me to overdubb my own guitar work, and to possibly record 2-3 other instruments.Im talking cassette tapes. Thanx.
Hi Guitarman

Step 1: click on 'Visit the Main Site' at the bottom of the page, and explore that for a while - loads of useful introductory stuff there.

Step 2: hang around in the Newbies and Analog forums on this bulletin board for a while.

The rest will follow.

[This message has been edited by dobro (edited 10-10-1999).]
Hey Guitar Hombre:

You can check out a Yamaha MD 8. This box will let you do 8 tracks. Of course, you can overdub; that's what I do in my studio and it is fun to learn and get a good mix once in a while.

Suggest you try to see a couple of home studios in your neck of the woods to get the idea of what cooks and what doesn't.

Once you get into recording, you'll be on this site mucho tiempo.

Have fun
Green Hornet