Roland VS880


New member
Anyone have any experience w/ this unit? I read that you can burn CDs directly from it, that would be cool.But it's aloso like 1800 bucks, something I'm not willing to pay unless I get a little more info.Any feedback on this would be appreciated.
The 880 is great, but if you're not into spending that much cash and you already have a good computer, then there are many PC based alternatives. Burning a CD directly from a PC is much easier than using the Roland stuff. I have the 880, and I wouldn't trade it for a PC based solution just because I have invested so much time into it and I like recording with it. I have incorporated a PC into my setup for functions where the 880 just isn't the best. (Mastering mainly.)

I would get the 880EX over the old 880 if you can afford it. The CD burner will cost you extra, around $300 I've heard recently.

I would look into what best fits your situation. If you need a more portable recording solution, or something that is completely self contained and has the ability to record, mix, add effects, and burn a CD, well then one of the Roland VS recorders may be for you. The 840 can't burn CDs, but if you have a PC that will support a burner (cheaper than the 880 burner) and can get a sound card with digital transfer capability (SB Live works for me, $150) then you might save some money and still get what you want in the overall setup.

You have the right idea: Research all the info you can before you drop money on one of these units. The different VS workstations fit nicely into many situations, but sometimes better solutions are available. If you have any more specific questions about the 880 post em and I'll do by best to answer.