Recent content by DM60

  1. DM60

    New Batch of Gin

    All converted starch based alcohols are vodkas. Post processing is when they become Gin, Whiskey, Scotch or plain vodka. Process is usually the same. Cook, cool to 150, throw in your malt, malt (which contains the amylase) converts the starch to a sugar, yeast eats it, by product is fermented...
  2. DM60

    A Man's Garage

    Yea, I had just moved to my wife's little village, and the driveways were shared, walked outside and saw this tractor with Porsche on the side in big letters, jawed dropped. He had lost his license for DUI (back in the late 80's) and he drove that and a mopped. He weighed like 500 LBS. Drank...
  3. DM60

    New Batch of Gin

    That is the hard part. Distilling is pretty simple. Boil off the alcohol. Actually, not boil, you get it between 170 (77C) - 190ish (88C), after that you get the "character" or trash. Depending on one's opinion ;)
  4. DM60

    Music I like, what do you like??

    At the risk of repeating myself:
  5. DM60

    A Man's Garage

    When I lived in Germany, my neighbor had a Porsche tractor, so he only needed one side.
  6. DM60

    New Batch of Gin

    I started here very much like this place. This guy here is pretty good: He goes into a lot of detail, kind of like recording. Once you get an idea, you start to jump around and get better ways.
  7. DM60

    New Batch of Gin

    I put them in a site glass and use it as a Gin Basket. I strip the alcohol on the first run from the mash. Then I collect and proof down to about 40%. On the second go, I use a reciprocating distilling method. That cools the vapor just above the botanicals so that it goes back down for several...
  8. DM60

    New Batch of Gin

    Just brewed a new batch of Gin. I did a single distill for the fist run, then a reciprocating run for the final. In my gin basket I had juniper, coriander, licorice root, orange peel and two sticks of cinnamon. Proofed it down to 80 with spring water. Over ice, with some Canada Dry and a splash...
  9. DM60

    Wow, this is a detailed eye opener

    Putin had the KGB, the KGB knew what the CIA knew, what the Chinese knew and what the KGB knew about the Soviet Union, which was more than everyone else. And Putin is left standing. I don't think anyone knows what Putin knows. The KGB made the Russian mob look like boy scouts.
  10. DM60

    Wow, this is a detailed eye opener

    I will just say this, Putin knows more about the modern world than any other leader. He knows where the bodies are buried on all sides. This guy was in the KGB since the late 70's and no one in the world was as good at intel than the KGB. Now Putin has all of that information, he has a team of...
  11. DM60

    Right by me

    Don't do anything just yet, but wait for a few more comments. Here are my two cents. I think the first thing that will help you is to find a reference track that you are aiming for, good for a comparison. The middle is crowded and needs some space. Take your overheads and pan those out L/R (to...
  12. DM60

    Looking for an interface recommendation for recording my band

    When you are ready, post in the MP3 Clinic. I gave it a quick listen, very salvageable. Some EQ here and there, better panning of the instruments you cold have a very good recording. But be forewarned, those little things are the hard part about mixing. Subtle is big in the recording/mixing game.
  13. DM60

    The plunge

    I did this a couple of times, I didn't think the effort was worth the result, but I think it is pretty straight forward. I took the playback master mix to the tape input, took the output to the input, created a playback channel, turned off monitoring, recorded a slap for alignment, recorded...
  14. DM60

    The plugin scam exposed. Did you fall for it?

    Rob, it is funny you mentioned quality. Having done manufacturing for all of my career, the word quality is one of the most misused/misunderstood words today. Technically, quality is measured by a predetermined outcome. Depending on how the key measure points are against the target values...
  15. DM60

    Giving up on cable internet

    A funny thing I learned several months ago. I have a very cheap Cellphone plan. Like $15 a month and 5Gig of data. It has 5G and the service is rather good (I had service between Ft. Worth Texas all the way to Tuscon). I was going to use my tablet for my Google maps. Bigger and easier to read...