Recent content by the-music-man

  1. T

    Akai MPX8!!!

    So, Akai have just announced one of their newest products. Tha Akai MPX8. By the looks of its a small, and hopefully cheap version of an MPC. It can read samples of an sd memory card and it has MIDI outputs so it can be used as a normal midi controller too! WNAMM13: New Akai Keyboard And...
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    Akai S3000XL Sampler

    Hi guys, So i have been offered to buy an akai s3000xl really cheap of a family friend, but im a bit unclear about how it works. Is it a bit like an mpc, just with out the pads? I have an akai mpd 26, could i plug this in through midi cables and trigger samples from the sampler with my MIDI...
  3. T

    Free mixing service

    Hi guys, Im applying for a college next year and i need a portfolio of work, so i need lots of stuff to mix together, as well as my own stuff. I will be happy to mix anyones tracks for free, just send me an e mail at Thanks Tom
  4. T

    Cubase channel controller for sale

    Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone was after a channel controller for cubase, AT A GREAT PRICE!:) Steinberg Channel Controller,With box,cable,installation CD and manual,USED ONCE | eBay
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    Separating bass and snare drum?

    Hi there, So recently i have been experimenting new way to record my drum kit. My audio interface is an m audio fast track pro so i am limited to 2 inputs and i think i have found out the best way to redord with my limited inputs I have 2 xlr splitters, one connected to each input on my...
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    I need a new desk!!

    Hi there, My current desk is just a cheap one from ikea, and it has lasted me a long time but now its starting to get very wobbly and unstable, and with the amount of expensive gear on it, i dont want it to all come crashing down when it innevitably collapses. So does anybody recomend a good...
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    Pc video capture software?

    I want to start doing software tutorials on my youtube but i need some software to capture whats going on on my screen, so does anyone recomend anything, and ideally it would like one you pay for, every time i download something i always end up getting viruses:L Thanks
  8. T

    Good Free VST's

    Does anybody know of any good free VST's? Thanks:)
  9. T

    Recording drums!

    Hi there, I have read several articles on recording drums with 3 mics, i currently have one dynamic mic and one condenser. I am using the dynamic on the kick and i have another condenser on order(same model as i already have so i will have a matched pair) and i will use 2 condensers as 2...