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  1. brassplyer

    “The Cave” Retro Appreciation Thread And Members

    That sort of rings a bell but I couldn't say for sure.
  2. brassplyer

    “The Cave” Retro Appreciation Thread And Members

    He was a big holy roller who made terrible arguments - he was telling an anecdote about some young person who he was mentoring and telling them why they should embrace religion then said it was a good thing this kid didn't pose a certain question to him because he didn't have a good answer. He...
  3. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    Nail hit squarely on the head.
  4. brassplyer

    “The Cave” Retro Appreciation Thread And Members

    Who was the guy who one day changed his avatar to his actual photo and it turned out he was a dead-ringer for Dennis Rader the BTK killer? When this was pointed out he changed his avatar quick.
  5. brassplyer

    “The Cave” Retro Appreciation Thread And Members

    Sorry to hear about your tribulations. Would he be able to get in with an arrest and substance-abuse history? The military offers some good opportunities if you can go along with the program and have your head right but unless things have changed dramatically since I was in there are going to...
  6. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    You've explicitly stated you don't care about the facts, have made it clear you have screwed-up priorities. At minimum you're someone to not be taken seriously. What I said above applies to you.
  7. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    My pic was without the high-dollar professional help and digital enhancement. But don't let me harsh your Dermalube moment - lol. :ROFLMAO:
  8. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    You're talking about Webb Hubble's kid? Just as a heads up eye exams are under $100 and a lot of places will give you a further discount if you order glasses the same day. Some proper corrective eyewear will serve you better than those beer goggles. I'd date someone who was on par with...
  9. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    There's something fundamentally wrong with those that don't care about the profoundly bad implications of the lawfare persecution of Trump - it goes beyond mere pissantery.
  10. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    The TDS-afflicted squad are definitely slow. The server is bogged down with all the bullshit they're slinging.
  11. brassplyer

    Do you think Kamal Harris would be a good POTUS?

    That would be bad.
  12. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    It'll be reversed, live with it.
  13. brassplyer

    Do you think Kamal Harris would be a good POTUS?

    Yeah, you're clearly one of those "fratty, out of touch" people Alissa Heinerscheid was talking about as she led Budweiser to unprecedented sales numbers with her keen, hip 'n happenin insight. *cough* :ROFLMAO:
  14. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    My "convictions" of which people - Elizabeth Carroll and Joedaughtershowers? Ashley Biden made an assertion regarding her father that became public knowledge and she's never retracted it. Elizabeth Carroll promoted a story that has serious holes in it - including a public declaration...
  15. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    If you're not religious your question is meaningless. If Carroll falsely accused Trump that's an indictment of her. It's also a serious indictment of those who don't care whether she promoted a lie. Which of your assertions regarding Trump do you consider to be on par with or worse than...
  16. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    Clarifying that you don't care whether she was honest and whether the trial decision was valid which you've made crystal clear.
  17. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    Do you find Elizabeth Carroll's claims to be credible?
  18. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    He doesn't intrude on his daughter's shower.
  19. brassplyer

    Trump on Trial!

    It'll be overturned - if not by the NY courts then by SCOTUS. Even Alan Dershowitz a Democrat Biden voter says it's bullshit.
  20. brassplyer

    PSA: Do NOT try this at home!

    Had someone said to him - "that's really dangerous, don't do it" I wonder if it would have made any difference, or were there people chugging beer and guffawing thinking it was hilarious as they watched him do it. Doing some looking on Facebook if it's the guy I'm pretty sure it is based on...