let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

    Votes: 46 3.6%
  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

    Votes: 19 1.5%
  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

    Votes: 62 4.9%
  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 963 75.5%

  • Total voters
My setup isn't all that fancy as far as being high-tech, but I try to get a good mix of analog and digital. I also have an 8 track Otari I use for drums sometimes.




My setup isn't all that fancy as far as being high-tech, but I try to get a good mix of analog and digital. I also have an 8 track Otari I use for drums sometimes.



Got some nice stuff in there! Cozy workspace as well.

What’s the story on what appears to be platinum records on the wall? Inquiring minds want to know. :-)
Nice room. I spy a 70s vibrochamp, correct? I have one. One of my favorite recording amps.
I have three champs! Two are blackface and this Silverface. I use the Silverface the most. Tom Petty Recorded most of his rhythm tracks through one. I’ve been using the Greer Amps most of the time through the UAOXBOX. His little 3 watt Mini Chief is an amazing versatile amp. It’s kinda like a Champ on steroids with a little better clean tone, but it screams when you crank it!
I have three champs! Two are blackface and this Silverface. I use the Silverface the most. Tom Petty Recorded most of his rhythm tracks through one. I’ve been using the Greer Amps most of the time through the UAOXBOX. His little 3 watt Mini Chief is an amazing versatile amp. It’s kinda like a Champ on steroids with a little better clean tone, but it screams when you crank it!
Back in the day, you could pick em up for 50 to 75 bucks :D.
I used to have a bunch, sadly down to one.
But that’s ok, got plenty of other amps. (y)