
I don't know which side of the Jew/Palestinian wrangle you fall on but the Palestinians main backer - Iran - does not act out of some deeply caring concern for the Palestinian people or cause. Iran's avowed goal is "Death to Israel". They would like nothing better than genocide against the Jewish folk comprising modern Israel (likely not so much their Arab and Palestinian residents.) The Israelis take the Iranian vow very seriously indeed. I doubt they have much animosity towards the Persian people but the religious leadership? Another story indeed. Don't think I can blame them for that.
But Israel already is the aggressor. They blew up the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1st killing I believe 7.
Unless I’m wrong that’s considered an act of war under international law.

Let’s not overlook that. Pointing out facts is not antisemitism.

Man, yeah, sure, I started this thread, but I don't know if I want to get into all of this. I don't know that I have the patience, or will. You know me, I'll just type a thousand words once I get going.

How many characters is that, and I haven't said anything yet?

...I'm not good at nutshell.

Chicken or the egg, or whatever one would choose to call it. Iran is the sponsor, supplier, coordinator, provides arms for much of the violence that goes on over there....including has the blood of many American servicemen (and women) onits hands. With impunity? Should that not be acted upon.

What I was getting at, in part, it touches on the whole notion of "disproportunate force", a term often used as cudgel to condemn Israel's efforts to defend itself. Iran launches an attack by design meant to fail, no Israeli casualties, Israel militarily responds perhaps resulting in death. Disproportunate force. We've seen it time and time again. Hearts & minds, public opinion, propaganda, we've seen it time and time again.

In fact reportedly that entire scenario is playing out, or may should Israel choose to react with deadly force. Word is Washington has communicated with Israel that given there were no Israeli casualties, take it as a win, do not take military action. Speaking of...

The US, Washington had communication with Iran well in advance of the attack launched on Israel. Tacit approval, provided the attack was "limited". Limited to what, unclear...perhaps to the Iranians as well. Was the attack disproportunate, did it exceed limitations? Perhaps, The US gov't approved of and defended against the attack...pissing away treasure and potentially risking American lives. Not to mention that aid flotilla the Biden admin is preparing to place offshore of Gaza.

Lunacy. It's reminiscent of Biden's "minor incursion" statement in regards to Russia and Ukraine. Tacit approval for Russia attacking Ukraine, provided limited. Yeah, that didn't work out too well, did it?
That may be my last post on this today. I've got a ton of shit to do. One of the things on my list, those Tree of Heaven I've talked about, I dropped approx 75 over into the clearing behind the house. What a fucking mess, I can't maintain the vegetation with that shit laying there. Stack wood, a ton of that shit. Hell, there are probably another 75 to fell, or more. That may have to wait, damn ticks and chiggers are out. Found two ticks on me yesterday, chigger bites as well. Don't want to get lymes, rocky mountain spotted fever, alpha-gall, I like eating meat without going into an allergic reaction. Maybe I'll spray, but no time to go get it, spray, and allow to dry. I have a garden to till, plants that need to go in the ground, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry plants that need to go in. Can't do that without building a permanent fence enclosed berry patch or the deer will just eat it all. I want to expand the garden proper this year. Sheesh. Move out to the country, he said, get a piece of property, start a garden and grow your own shit, live the good life, it'll be fun, he said.

Wasps are out, building nests, great.

Don't give me a fuckin' reason to sit on my ass and play on the net all day. :mad:
Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little, not 75 trees I've fallen so far, maybe more like 50. It just feels like 75.

I need to find a nice shady spot to hang a hammock out there, priorities. It just occured to me on the way back from the jink, the reality,...I just had b-day, sixty fuckin' one. They say you're as young as you feel. Yeah.

Anyway, back to the idiocy of the current administration in office.
Happy birthday old timer.

What is "the jink"?

Convenience store, of sorts. A place you might see friends, get a big can of beer in a brown paper bag, about anything you need, and a bucket of chicken. Not present locale lingo, brought it with me from the big city, inner city, black lingo from Norfolk, not that I spent that much time there if I could avoid it. But hey, the old Star jink, you could get a reasonably priced chicken sandwich, chicken leg bone and all between two slices of white bread. Heard it was damn tasty. I passed. I don't lick my fingers, you never know where they've been.
Convenience store, of sorts. A place you might see friends, get a big can of beer in a brown paper bag, about anything you need, and a bucket of chicken. Not present locale lingo, brought it with me from the big city, inner city, black lingo from Norfolk, not that I spent that much time there if I could avoid it. But hey, the old Star jink, you could get a reasonably priced chicken sandwich, chicken leg bone and all between two slices of white bread. Heard it was damn tasty. I passed. I don't lick my fingers, you never know where they've been.
Right on. Sounds good!
The IDF could easily nuke Iran into a smoldering pile of ashes.
And trust me, nobody would miss them.