Extra Bass In Vocals when playback in Car speakers


New member
Why do I have a large ammount of bass in my voice when I lisen to the song in a car or at a party?

I noticed it and so do others. How can I fix this problem...I use Cool Edit Pro 2.1...A AKG 120p mic and a MobilePre USB Audio Interface.

I try so much EQ experiments but none work.

PLEASE HELP! I will kill myse;f if I don't figure this out.
Why do I have a large ammount of bass in my voice when I lisen to the song in a car or at a party?
Versus where, at your mixing desk? It's probably your mixing room setup and acoustics giving you a false read on your bass while you're mixing.

Read here for more information.

You should know already, as you apparently have the expertise to create an entirely foolproof method for getting the best possible sounds out of your equipment... ;)
Is this the same bozo who posted the "How to Master your song" thread???

What a joke. :D
Nice article Glen.
Thanks Ethan! High praise, indeed. Nowhere near as in-depth as yours, but in my format I gotta limit myself to somewhere around 1500 words max, so I had to cut a lot of detail I'd like to have in there otherwise. Which is why I refer people to your site at the end; you take it even a couple of steps further and better than I. But I figure it'll get 'em started down the road, at least.

Another tip, compare your mixes to commercial recording - with the commercial recording volume turned down to match the volume of your mix. Listen carefully. You will be surprised how controlled a professional mix is in the low end. There is always less bass than you expect there to be. Your mix needs to be in the same ballpark, just don't try to replicate exactly - go with what's appropriate for your sound sources.
You guys who are seeing me as a joke need to listen to what I'm saying.


When I get in the car I always notice there the only problem.

BTW - I Didn't even make that post...I got it from Adobe.com, I just posted it if nobody knew about it like you haven't.

You guys MUSIC CARRERS are jokes :D
Also I've tried HPF...Even made my own EQ Preset that sounds like Commercial Mixing but when I listen to it in SRS WOW Effect in WMP Also the vocals are SUPER BASSY.
Also I've tried HPF...Even made my own EQ Preset that sounds like Commercial Mixing but when I listen to it in SRS WOW Effect in WMP Also the vocals are SUPER BASSY.
Your vocals are too bassy probably because the room you are tracking/mixing in has too much bass absorption or not enough diffusion and you over compensate. In other words on playback you listen and decide wow this needs more bass so you turn up the bass and in that room your mix sounds real good coming from your speakers but take the same mix to another room and there's too much bass.

Another problem may be that you have to work on your singing. If it's anything like your spelling e.g."You guys MUSIC CARRERS are jokes", then you need to learn to pronunciate better for peeps to understand you, otherwise it's going to sound like mud.
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You guys who are seeing me as a joke need to listen to what I'm saying.

And so are we. You need to listen to what we're saying. Our music careers may seem like jokes to you, but they are careers that have successfully put bread in our family's mouths for many, many years. Knowledge isn't a matter of parroting something someone read off the Internet. Knowledge is knowing which stuff we read on the internet is bullshit, and which is real, and you are getting it completly backwards right now, my friend.

The thing about bass mode acoustics in your mixing room is that the locations and amount of bass problems are frequency-dependent. One cannot just lump everything together under "bass". There is a better than even chance that your room is playing with a bass frequency or three that have key resonances in your vocal, but are too high in frequency to affect your bass drops or other LF stuff you have going.
