Love above the high water line


New member
Feedback on the mix would be greatly appreciated.

Pretty well straight up Country, it is a busy mix but I think between EQ and stereo position I have established fairly good separation of the various elements.

Thank you

The chorus is really nicely mixed - especially the vocals/harmonies. Are you doubling? Nice vocal sustain on the ends of the lines...
I'm good with most of this. The lead in the back - I'd add some mids/bottom so it sort of matches the vocals a bit - that's just me though.
Good writing and singing on this!
Yes Vocals doubled on Ch and also thicken with tape echo throughout.

I thickened lead with short delay as well and it seemed to have emphasized the highs, perhaps it is the flutter setting on the echo plug-in - so will try EQ to pull it out some more.


Sounds very thin, sizzley and trebley to me. I really don't hear much panning, it all sounds concentrated in the centre of the stereo field. When you have to play too much with EQ for everything to find its place in the mix, something must be wrong in the tracking phase. Song's good though.
Sounds very thin, sizzley and trebley to me. . Song's good though.

Same here, very cluttered around 3-4k, the bass sounds OK as is, the snare needs alot of 250hz, theres virtually no Kick drum. The Vox sound OK, You need to spread the guitars and drums out alot more from 100hz-1K theres almost nothing there. Good song, hope this helps.
Thanks Joey, Steve & PDP

I think when my ears are tired I tend to get 'switch on by the treble' - layered a 'bright EQ' at the end of the mixing chain & this could be part of the issue.

Thank you glad you enjoyed the song

The verse & chorus sound like they were mixed by different people on different gear.
the song is really good as are the musical ideas & arrangement.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have tried to incorporate most of what was suggested in this latest mix

I would appreciate you opinions.

