I was taught that the excessive nature of reparations instituted by Versailles were Franco-British vengeance and America just went along with it
Knowing the British as I do {I am one !} I have long suspected that. To be honest, I think back-seat vengeance has been a major contributor to so many wars, sanctions, military operations and a whole lot more, throughout history. But it looks so uncool for a leader in a suit to say "I ordered the destruction of that village because the sister of the chief's wife looked just like that girl who turned down my attentions when I was a shy, inadequate 14-year-old !" :geek::ROFLMAO:
I was taught that the excessive nature of reparations instituted by Versailles were Franco-British vengeance and America just went along with it. I was educated in America of course so maybe a deliberately slanted view?
Not reparations, but the redrawing of the map -- eventually leading to genocides between two nations inside one country, etc.
But equally, countries that at some point based their laws on what certain of their number found in the Bible haven't exactly covered themselves in glory....or humility.
Countries, or governments? Humility is not the purpose of a government. 1) Protecting the interests of its citizens, 2) expanding its territory. In that order.
But as a Christian, I can't pretend that both the Bible and Christianity weren't used to prop up slavery for all of that time.
A very flawed interpretation of the bible, however you spin it.
Go right ahead!
One of the fascinating aspects of the NT is that there are no words written about the laws of nations and how nations should behave or formulate their laws that are binding on any country.
Correct -- because "God's chosen people" is no longer coincides with an ethno-cultural society but with those who will accept His law. "I give you one commandment..." "There is no Greek or Jew..."
I don't agree with that. If you go through the entire law {and I have, many times. The first church I was part of erroneously stuck to it like limpet mines on the hull of a ship} most of it is specific to Israel and part of their standing as God's people and as such, part of the covenant. Not having sex with your Dad's sister {or, for that matter, your own} was as binding and relevant as not taking the Lord's name in vain {incidentally, that is less an issue concerned with verbals as it is about behaviour as a representative of God}. I use that just as an example. The laws about sacrifices and the priesthood and a wife grabbing the balls of a man fighting her husband were as much part of the covenant as any in the "big 10."
I would think of those other laws as clarifications and examples of how to apply the 10 Commandments.
"Thrown out," "Rescinded," "No longer applicable," "Ended," take your pick. The point is that in this period of great transition, lots of Jewish followers of Christ sometimes went with the law and sometimes didn't. Remember how Paul got up in Peter's face when Pete started shrinking again under pressure from the guys from Jerusalem who said that the Gentiles had to be circumcised and follow Moses' law ~ Paul told him that he didn't even live like a Jew with his freedom in Christ. Interesting.....And when that major council happened in Acts 15, they reduced the Gentile requirement to just 4 things.
OK so we're in agreement.
You earlier said:
That's not really true. Christian Nationalism has, in some shape or form, been around and active ever since Europeans first landed on the shores of the land we call America. It obviously hasn't always applied to every person and it has always had divergencies within it and has been much stronger at times than others. I first noticed it in the 80s with Ronald Reagan. I noticed it during the first Gulf war with big George Bush and big time with the second George Bush and since "the Don" it has flowed as a raging river. And I'm just an irrelevant Black Englishman. But I noticed it when I was atheist and subsequent to that.
In point of fact, many on the left are only too happy to "credit" Christianity with the shaping of America ~ and they'll happily throw in slavery, the decimation {culturally or otherwise} of the Native American population, the keeping down of women {when was it that they got the vote, 1919, 1920 ?}, all of the "in yer face" racist laws and all that came with it, segregation, supposed church support of some of the most inhuman shit to come down against God's crown of creation.......oh no, many on the left will happily use that stuff and more {abortion, age of consent, homosexuality laws etc} to demonstrate the Christian shaping of the nation.....and precisely why the nation needs to get away from such.
Perhaps you haven't seen the recent clip that's making quite a controversy online:

That's the kind of baseless name-calling I was referring to. Thoughts on that?
[Who] were you speaking of when you referred to "those who accept its frankly simple demands." ?
You and me. We know our faults and weaknesses. But we strive to go beyond. We're not the "Well, I'm personally opposed to [take your pick of current issues] but I'm not one to dictate others" Joe Biden type goons. Which isn't dictating, its protecting the rights of human beings.
I may have misunderstood you or we may have found ourselves at cross purposes. We seemed to jump somewhere from how natives of a country that are Christians ought to be treating those that turn up in the country they live in.
Being expected to support those who turn up in a country, illegally, to profit of the systems that originated to benefit us, the citizens (who pay taxes), is not Christianity. The State's role is to ensure my well-being. If I have a surplus and can afford to sponsor an individual on a waiting list to immigrate legally, I am free to do so.
Or so I should hope it is.
Having just spent all those years fighting to stop Hitler from doing something akin to that, I don't think the European nations on the western side would have allowed that.
They literally had zero say in the matter.
But also, it wasn't really America's style in those days. Plus, it enabled them to occupy the moral high ground when the USSR started wiggling their bums in the direction of East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania....
Why wasn't it "America's style"? Because people here were, for the most part, bred on the equity that our Christian heritage had engrained in our culture. A less important factor may have been Soviet agents in our government.
Well, that came in the 60s.
Really, the UK had a terrible inferiority complex about America until the Beatles hit no.1 in early 1964 then a few other groups followed in their wake. Everything about the USA was perceived to be so much more exciting and had so much more oomph.
I dislike most music from that era, so however you like. I prefer Dave Brubeck by far!
This one is kind of nuanced, only because between Versailles and WWII there were only 20 years, whereas since the end of WWII there have been close to 79 and American culture in all its splendour has had the opportunity to mount a takeover that has affected far more of the world than countries like Russia who have tried to do so by force. But that wasn't America's intention in 1945.
See various above comments.
This has actually been fascinating for me...
I think I said earlier..."The label placed upon any government depends entirely upon the one leading it," or something to that effect. Just goes to show that all ideology "trickles down" from those in authority. Truth obviously doesn't originate there, but the precedence to seek truth does.

So, just a little interjection;
Any nation that does not seek God's wisdom or serve God's will... obviously only serves its own will.
Man's will to seek the truth of God's wisdom is born of the God given freedom inherent in every individual.
Man cannot live by the letter of the law; If he breaks one then he breaks them all.
A man only stands justified before God by God's own forgiveness.
The Spirit of truth is a gift of God.

This wisdom is only found in the Bible.

Please, carry on ;)
Humility is not the purpose of a government. 1) Protecting the interests of its citizens, 2) expanding its territory.
While perhaps true in reality I am adamantly opposed to point 2. What happened to securing your borders? I am not interested in expanding them and I would wager most Americans are not either.

*As a side note/question where are you from, SR? I know grim is Brit and even if he didn't say so it is fairly obvious in some respects. But you...hmm. Canuck?
No mystery there lol... Catholicism has always been highly political. ;)
Ya think? Should have seen my parents trying to get a car for the nuns in 1968. You'd think the fuckin pope hissownself said no fuckin way. Oh yeah and Vote Kennedy or go to hell you pagan asshole. (Irish Catholics of course.) lol Them were the days.
While perhaps true in reality I am adamantly opposed to point 2. What happened to securing your borders? I am not interested in expanding them and I would wager most Americans are not either.
Technically I don't want any expansion of territory either. Historically, it used to be that way; now it has morphed into helping other nations "succeed" aka making-a-profit-if-you-can-while-you're-at-it. Not opposed to that! The US did it after WWII... they botched some details but ultimately put all of non-Soviet Europe in their debt while allowing those nations to rebuild their own way.
*As a side note/question where are you from, SR? I know grim is Brit and even if he didn't say so it is fairly obvious in some respects. But you...hmm. Canuck?
Proud three-way Heaven/US/Canadian citizen bro!
Knowing the British as I do {I am one !} I have long suspected that. To be honest, I think back-seat vengeance has been a major contributor to so many wars, sanctions, military operations and a whole lot more, throughout history. But it looks so uncool for a leader in a suit to say "I ordered the destruction of that village because the sister of the chief's wife looked just like that girl who turned down my attentions when I was a shy, inadequate 14-year-old !" :geek::ROFLMAO:
I need to ask another Brit about the song Dandelion by the stones. I once read or heard, I could be lying, that Dandelion was either a brand name or slang for a prophylactic? asked one other older Brit and he told me he had no knowledge of it.
"Tho' you're older now its just the same
You can play this dandelion game
When you're finished with your childlike prayers
Well, you know you should wear it"
I'm not sure why you're ignoring the reality of what happens to marriages and marital stability. Presumably you're aware a lot of people get married and then get divorced for various reasons? The reality is the courts will generally enforce provision from a man even if she was the untrustworthy one.

You are not ready to have sex until you are ready to have kids. Even Darwinian atheists will agree that sex exists to support the species.
Your article just reinforced what I said - having kids when you're not prepared to provide for them doesn't bode well for anyone involved.
I'm not arguing against having kids. I'm arguing against hookup culture (prevalent especially in the lower classes).

if you were never born in the first place you wouldn't know the difference.
That's a dumb argument, for obvious reasons.
But again - I'm talking about a wide range of consequences - like you're shot in the head at an ATM, or the liquor store clerk shot by some recidivist felon. Or you come home to find your wife was raped and murdered by same.
I don't believe the statistics show that it's any more likely than for me to be shot at the ATM, or my (future) wife raped and murdered, by a hood crack dealer than by some rich-ass emo kid.
A really good indicator that someone shouldn't be a parent is that they don't want to be one.
Sex without kids is like getting drunk but not having a hangover. It just isn't the natural course of things. And good luck solving "societal ills" without reverting to said course of things.

Some people talk of "systemic" racism, sexism, homophobia, you name it. In fact, one thing that is actually systemic is the way our society favors marriage. Just look around you! The successful slice of the population are married, and for the most part, with kids. No wonder the gays wanted to jump on the boat pronto :unsure:
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Sex without kids is like getting drunk but not having a hangover. It just isn't the natural course of things
Did you do biology at school ? :sneaky:
I need to ask another Brit about the song Dandelion by the stones. I once read or heard, I could be lying, that Dandelion was either a brand name or slang for a prophylactic? asked one other older Brit and he told me he had no knowledge of it
I've never heard anything about dandelions either as a brand name or a condom.
But the song is in my top 5 when it comes to the Stones. It is a magnificent piece of psychedelia with great singable lyrics, Charlie Watts putting in one of the greatest drum pieces right there art the end of the song, and the backing vocals have been an inspiration to me in the art of backing vocals by singers who aren't really singers. The only thing I don't like about the song is when it ends, but with repeat play on an iPod, it no longer does.
I could be lying

There again, you could be standing....