Returning to the Hobby - Hello Forum!


New member
Hello all! Thought I'd introduce myself as I intend to take FULL advantage of the resources and community here. :) Merry (early) Christmas. :)

Had a home studio around Cubase SX2 back in the day, then "real life" got in the way. Now a little older and looking to get back into the hobby.

We're on Cubase VERSION 12 NOW! Can't hardly believe it... EZ Drummer is still around and on version 3, T-Racks (thank goodness) is still "a thing" and UAD are on some very weird white-looking PCI-E cards (and I've STILL got my old PCI Mackie cards and license file! Determined to fire those back up into a new DAW if I can.)

The world has indeed moved on a bit, but I'm grateful to be in a position where I have space and time to compose and mix the 'orrible noises I make with instruments. And happy to find another forum on the go. Anyone remember Tweak's forum from about 20 years ago?

Regardless of all that, hello to everyone and looking forward to getting reading. :)
PCI cards are really a thing of the past now, most new computers don't even have slots for them
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PCI cards are really a thing of the past now, most new computers don't even have slots for them
Haha thanks - I went searching (and searching and searching) and have (finally) got the bits for an i7 DAW with a few PCI slots in it. Will be happy if I can get them running but if not meh, I tried. Cheers. :)
GLA, You might want to check to see if the proper drivers for your PCI cards are available for whatever OS you end up using. Quite a bit of older interfaces have be relegated to the junk pile because drivers simply aren't available. Older drivers were 16 or 32bit, but newer operating systems no longer support 16 bit drivers and probably not 32 bit.
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GLA, You might want to check to see if the proper drivers for your PCI cards are available for whatever OS you end up using. Quite a bit of older interfaces have be relegated to the junk pile because drivers simply aren't available. Older drivers were 16 or 32bit, but newer operating systems no longer support 16 bit drivers and probably not 32 bit.
Cheers. I got as far as reading some folks had managed to get theirs working with their last UAD license file (which I still have) so I'll say I have half a fighting chance! I wouldn't otherwise sweat it but they're the Mackie cards which came with the 1176LN and LA2A compressors. Wish me luck!
Like Rich, my old cards - 2 x 8 in/out ones went in the bin. You have the driver issue - which even if you sort it, locks you into ancient mode - Cubase might recognise the cards, but it's worth trying. Welcome back - things have moved a long way - but Cubase 12 is not that different in operation to SX, and some of your old shortcuts will still work!
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