Spitifre chamber essentials

You need at least Kontakt player, which is a free download - it works from within that in Cubase 12. You download a Spitfire app, which lets you download the package, but install kontakt player first. Usually it pops up automatically, but occasionally you need to find it in the Cubase vst manager and stick it into an appropriate location. I've got loads of Spitfire stuff and love it.
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Don't be put off by needing to learn to use the mod wheel - you can get good results without, but for melody lines, some patches change greatly in tone as you use the mod wheel. Even if you string parts are basically chords that you can play with your right hand, using the mod wheel and recording each note of the chord as a single 'melody' with gentle left hand mod sounds so different - like real players, not chords.
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I wonder why this one requires the Kontakt player? I have a bunch of other Spitfire stuff that doesn't require it.
I've got the same - but some of the deeper, cleverer ones you access via Kontakt - Albion, British Drama Toolkit and others, while some of the orchestral ones that use the new Spitfire front end, don't. I suppose it depends how they build them?
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I wonder why this one requires the Kontakt player? I have a bunch of other Spitfire stuff that doesn't require it.
The "Essentials" are culled/curated from this one . . .
. . . which is older (pre-Spitfire Plugin), more extensive, and more expensive---and, itself, a Kontakt Player library.

I wouldn't get too upset about the fact that it's a free Kontakt Player library. You won't have to worry about running it offline, surprise #3 and #4 errors, contacting Spitfire Audio for resets and re-installations, etc. If you haven't experienced these issues it's because the Spitfire Manager is getting more and more stable and the Spitfire Plugin is getting better and fuller-featured as time goes on. As a matter of fact, recent ones are looking more and more like their eDNA Kontakt GUI.

The only downside to Spitfire it that you have to look in two places, and kontakt involves one extra step (that you have to do for any kontakt package). The latest Spitfire stuff, the way my system is set up, has them in the right hand side panel, and kontakt is in that list too, so some Spitfire items are there, others are inside kontakt. In practice, it's just mildy annoying remembering where a certain thing is. I've just got British Drama Toolkit, the brass and reed version, the original I've had for ages and really like the way it works. I'm having great fun with it. I missed it when it first came out. Spitfire emailed a special offer code, so found it there, then discovered the price for me, when I logged in was cheaper than the special offer price.

On a totally separate topic - Spitfire have some excellent videos, especially the series where they are building their London Studios in an empty building. Some useful studio building tips there.
Seen many demos of this recently . Legato sounds like it's switching around but otherwise the texture and dynamics overall sound good . Anyone who can confirm or deny getting relatively smooth legato from this library ?