the horror


again. here come the loved ones
drippy, sleepy and hungry
I lay their weary souls on my hearth
I give them my all

sleep little ones....

turn down the rock
no one need have their world rocked tonight
dim the glow of phantom soul
enough of the awesome
away the epic
crawl into the hole of wanna be worms
go dim all you glowing lights of him

i bang my drum to drive you out
i stamp my foot to dissuade you
I quote the pietistic to shame your garlic breath
look elsewhere for your wanting quell

know my solace is solid
for my blood born flesh
dull your tooth on the bone
of your own dull known

cannibals all
fevered skull
single focus
all seething, all needing, all seeing all

only fire will quench them
only salt will feed them
only hate will satiate
the horror