Welcome one and all


Alrighty! Having the first post here is a difficult responsibility. I can't think of what to say, and I've been toying with it for a few minutes now.
First of all, thankyou Dragon for this haven for Minidisc users. It's sorely needed. I myself am using an MD8, which is a beutiful piece of technology.
This forum is for those of you who use MD8's, MD4s, Mix down to Minidiscs, Have other Minidisc multitracks, or whatever. But you should have gotten that from the title :D
So enjoy, and welcome!

[This message has been edited by Nilbog (edited 06-06-2000).]
Is this where I can find out how to use minidisc recorders? Those are like CDs, right? Can I record one in a DVD player?
Oh boy Dragon, let me tell you about the exciting technology that is the minidisc. Minidiscs are similar to CD's, except they are a lot smaller. Mostly they are used as an alternative to casette tapes (that's the way Sony would like to see them go, anyhow). The way they use the space to efficiantly is by using a method of compression called ATRAC. It basically cuts out all frequencies that the human ear can't hear, making the sound file 1/5th of the original size. Anyway, to answer your question, Dragon, you CAN record a minidisc in your DVD player. I find if your having trouble fitting the disc into the little dvd slot, a hammer often helps.
For more info on minidisc technology, just ask!
or visit www.minidisc.org
Hi, is this forum for posting who on this BBS has a minidick... lemme see there's Monty and Slack and Ed and... hehehe :D

Having two extra forums in the space of a couple of days sucks!!! ...in a good way. It's now gonna take me even longer to read everything here!

Keep up the good work Dragon!
Yeah, props to whoever is responsible for setting up this forum. A place to call home. Nilbog, The MD8 is truly an interesting piece of equiptment, particularly for someone like me (technologically impaired) I still don't understand how electricity works. The MD8 allows you to make decent recordings and its very eeeeasy to use.
I love my MD8... I should have invested in a multitrack machine years ago. even if a person only ever used to to practice singin harmonies or laying down rythm tracks to solo over it would be well worth it...thanks for the minidisk forum Dragon...
Damn... I thought sneaking it away in here I could get away with it. Well once again Monty, my nemesis, my arch enemy you've thwarted my plans for world domination... I'll have my revenge... just you wait... [Cooperman flys off into the sunset with uncontrolable hysterical laughter]
What will you do with your rake? I'll make a bigger rake... then no doubt you'll build a bigger rake... and then I'll make a bigger rake etc... we could destroy the world if we were to start rake warfare. Day would become as black as coal as our rakes blocked the suns light, crops would die, starvation, disease... I beg you... not the RAKE!!!!!
I'd like to have a MiniDisk multitrack recorder. It's one thing I don't have. As I recall, the reason I didn't opt for one was they had 18 bit 44khz resolution or something like that. The VS looked better at the time, with what I knew. The MiniDisk recorders must have improved since then.

Cooperman...that reminds me of an album I had called 'The Guitars That Destroyed the World'. No rakes but the cover showed a line of giant guitars marching across the land. I must be getting tired. It's late here.

[This message has been edited by monty (edited 06-07-2000).]

Many thanks Nilbog for the E-message to let me know about the MUCH-NEEDED AND APPRECIATED FORUM FOR WE OF THE MD-8 -4 WORLD.

The MD-8 isn't the best in the world but it does a nice job and, as mentioned, it is not impossible to learn and it has limited menus.

I am in the process of early retirement from teaching so I may have a couple of weeks lapse of communication until I set up a PC at home, which I'm working on at this very moment. I don't know how much longer the college will keep my E-turned on here.

But, I could never leave this great group and funny group of recording people.

Be talking to you guys,
Green Hornet