Where to find CHEAP Data MiniDisks?

Kelly Holdridge

New member
Am having helluva time finding a good source for Data MiniDisks. Is Sony the only company that makes them? And are they available in higher "densities" than the 8-track version? Please post prices and sites, and minimum order (if necessary).


Kelly Holdridge
Protape. Don't remember the exact link, but I am pretty sure they have the best prices. THis is where I got mine and I remember doing some extensive price checking. Just try the keywords: protape or pro-tape or something like that, seems like they were $12.50 ea.
You can also try tapeworld.com. I printed out their products page and took it into guitar center for a price match. :D
I think they're $11.99 or something?
Okay, not quite as good as $10.40...
fullcompass.com has them for about $11.50 each for 10 or more. I think they're TDK's but may be Sony.
