Biden for President ‘24-‘28…Really? Are you that ignorant?

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Seeker of Rock

Let’s Go Brandon!
A geriatric man who can’t even find his way off of a stage without guide assistance or ability to read a teleprompter. And who Robert Hur, a special investigator recommends against pushing charges for a bonafide crime because he is ‘and elderly man with good intentions but poor memory’? So he’s getting a break from holding classified documents illegally because, according to the transcripts he is recommended to not be charged not because of guilt if committing the crime but because he is old and of fragile memory? This well before today’s date. And come a little less than 8 months from today, this is who some voters actually want to keep in office? You have to be shitting me.
Or maybe you are comfortable with Kamala Harris because that will be the reality that serves part,likely a large part, of Biden’s term if he is re-elected. I put faith in fellow Americans but Biden supporters, have you considered this likelihood? If so, are you really that delusional to think Harris as US President is a good idea?
This and the Kamala dolt poll are where I will engage since so many want to attack subjectively on the other threads.
A senile, cognitively-challenged man is who you want to lead this country 8 months from now and for another 4 years beyond that? Are there really that many ignorant people on this site and in this world?

Holy fuck I thought cashiers at Wendy’s that couldn’t figure why I would give them $5.01 on a a $3.76 order and ask what the extra Penny was for were imbeciles, then I get Biden supporters here that actually believe this geriatric old crustacean is in control of himself ( and the country) and can make it another 8 months until change of guard and THEN another 4 years after that?
I really really really hope that most of that is just debate fodder on an anonymous website for entertainment. If there is seriousness then there is honestly a lot of shit for brains in our world.
Biden/Harris as anOresidenrual team team for the next 4 years …seriously some of you believe that is a good option?
I’m not saying that there isn’t knowledge in here but how the fuck can Trump haters be so blind and irresponsibly blinded to support a geriatric man with advanced cognitive decline and a backup VP as backup if and when he can’t perform his duties any longer even begin to believe this is a good plan and good logical thinking? I just don’t get it.
All this said I am really glad that Biden at least finally agreed to debate Trump. Doesn’t change everything but at least it gives 2 respectable man-to-man. honest chances for each to prove why they are the best man for the job, and I think that is really what all of us want
A geriatric man who can’t even find his way off of a stage without guide assistance or ability to read a teleprompter. And who Robert Hur, a special investigator recommends against pushing charges for a bonafide crime because he is ‘and elderly man with good intentions but poor memory’? So he’s getting a break from holding classified documents illegally because, according to the transcripts he is recommended to not be charged not because of guilt if committing the crime but because he is old and of fragile memory? This well before today’s date.

And come a little less than 8 months from today, this is who some voters actually want to keep in office? You have to be shitting me.
Hur says he can't be pursued legally because he's too infirm but he's okay to occupy the White House, debate and to run again.

And come a little less than 8 months from today, this is who some voters actually want to keep in office? You have to be shitting me.
His voters can see the same things you and I see - they don't care about anything negative any rational person will say about him including that he perv'd on his own daughter. We have examples in this forum.

If Racial Jungle Joe said "Immediately after I'm re-elected my first official act is going to be to order the entire US arsenal of nuclear weapons to be used against the US" their response would be...

Watching Trump’s Minnesota speech from last night. I watch Biden as well but he doesn’t speak much live in public and for good reason . A live microphone is a liability for Joe. I guess the right teleprompter fell and is inoperable so he’s winging it using the remaing one on the left which is having problems as well. It’s nice to see some capable of speaking as lib without printed text when he needs to.
Ya know, like this

‘Cult twats’ (referencing a uniform dress tendency) as that blathering, brain-dead, attention-craving nosedud said it


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I haven’t seen many anti-trumpets participating here just yet. If you are anti-trump, fine. But nobody spitting poison in the Trump threads are pro-Biden. Lay down your reasons. Come on, what are you afraid of? This thread doesn’t bite
A geriatric man who can’t even find his way off of a stage without guide assistance or ability to read a teleprompter. And who Robert Hur, a special investigator recommends against pushing charges for a bonafide crime because he is ‘and elderly man with good intentions but poor memory’? So he’s getting a break from holding classified documents illegally because, according to the transcripts he is recommended to not be charged not because of guilt if committing the crime but because he is old and of fragile memory? This well before today’s date. And come a little less than 8 months from today, this is who some voters actually want to keep in office? You have to be shitting me.
Trump sucks ass so bad it's embarrassing even to MTG.
Trump knows nothing about the structure of the government, how to form a cabinet or any of the other skills it takes to be a politician, much less a POTUS.
And on top of that, he does not give a shit about any of the mechanics of government.
All his life he's flicked his wrist and had things done for him.
He has no other agenda. He talks policy but only because it's in his interest.
I know, I know they all do.
All he seeks is the seat of power.
The seat he proudly showed to the heads of labor union in his first term. That union now hate his sick fucking ass.
He knows his only hope to divert complete and total destruction and utter humiliations is to be reelected.
Fuck trump and the whores he rode in on.
Your comment that Joe is a bit lame is true.
But so was FDR.
Did Steven Hawking's ailment stop him from coming up with black hole radiation?
It's the mind.
Binden Mind > Trump Mind - undeniable.
Oh yea and when Trump said he knew more than the generals. Did you jump up and cheer?
Or when he alluded that because his uncle "was an electrical engineer, inventor and physicist " that some how in some alternate universe gave him kudos to say he knew more than the scientists.
Come - on - man - the dude is a con-man lying piece of shit.
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