Confusion about Project File Sizes

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Hello friends, I am confused.

I have Cubase 10. The Project File Size (.cpr) for a recording will start around 4 or 5 MB. From there it might grow a bit. At some point they shrink more and more. Down to below 3 MB, even after extensive work and at times a great deal of overdubs/takes of stuff. I'm not experiencing any noticeable problems that I can discern. I first noticed this a while ago when I got the "project is corrupted" message. On restarting, everything would open and work fine, but the file size was smaller. However, I think this has happened on projects where I have not gotten this message as well, after saving new versions over time. I asked around at the time on a few places, didn't receive any answers, and figured maybe it was a stupid question, I wasn't having any problems. To ease my concerns, I did a bunch of tests. Like if I go back to the original project file that has less content but is of a larger file size, no history of error messages, the original file size etc, and save a backup, that backup does the same thing, is of a much smaller file size, about a third of the original. I figured it was just cause it was free of all the cache stuff and loose ends, like a clean slate. But recently I've been getting paranoid about it again. So much work over years now, I wanna be sure. I'm not sure what to think.

One thing that is possible, is that the project file seems to be separate to where the folders containing the mass of wav files are, on a different disc at times, due to my cluelessness when I started where the default save place for the individual files was set in documents in the C drive. Then I would save the Projects in a different place, assuming it was all contained there. I'm not sure if this has something to do with it?

All the projects in question are 24 bit, 44.1khz. If anyone could reassure me or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it immensely. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, my attempts to look for an answer from other posts or google has only made me more paranoid and confused. Some people have had a similar problem, but still not like mine. Like where their files would go to 0MB or something. Whatever is happening for me is always consistent, part of why I figured maybe it was fine. If there is some kind of corruption going on, what would be the consequences, if everything is in its right place etc? What am I missing?

Thanks so much for any time spent in illuminating me!
I never pay much attention to the project file size, because it has little relevance to the recording process.. Variations in the file sizes can come from a variety of places, e.g. whether the project increases or decreases in complexity, whether you change plug-ins, and so on. So long as a project loads and plays ok, you can rest easy. However, if you are getting 'project is corrupted' messages, that may need further nvestigation.

I pay more attention to how much space the recorded WAVs take, and will periodically clean out the unwanted files from the project directory. Even though disk space is relatively cheap these days, I have an aversion to unwanted stuff littering my folders.

It is good practice to keep your project file and associated WAV files in the one directory, and off the C drive.