Good Resources


Well-known member
I post this now and then for folks who might be interested. Totally free downloads of old electronic textbooks, lots of tube stuff and a
site for odd old schematics, not necessarily music related, just all kinds of stuff.
Just click the links below, don't be scared, just do it.

I am great at soldering and I've worked on a lot of guitars and amps but I have never had a good understanding of electronics or how circuits work so some of this will more than likely come in handy for me. Thanks.
I am great at soldering and I've worked on a lot of guitars and amps but I have never had a good understanding of electronics or how circuits work so some of this will more than likely come in handy for me. Thanks.
This is a good one there
Basic Audio, Norman Crowhurst, 1959
This is also a very good book but they don't have it on there. This is at . I have a hard copy. It will show you exactly where to hook up your scope and meters and generators to test any section of the tube for voltage, amperage etc.
Why not put a good free downloadable music theory book here? Yea, why not, good thinking.
The hardcover is sitting on my coffee table, I paid for it, what a maroon.
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