Locking threads?

Mick Doobie

Come on, man, what's up? I just wrote a well thought and civil reply to someone who had earlier replied to my post. It's a topical subject that could be interesting, perhaps even informative. Maybe in the context of the discussion someone might learn something they did not know, perhaps even change their mind. If nobody's mind is changed, so what? Adults having an adult conversation....as long as everyone keeps it civil. I don't know, man, it is not the first time it has happened and it is frustrating. I can imagine it is frustrating for you mods as well. There's got to be a better way? I've rarely if ever been in favor of strong arm banning. Maybe that is what needs to happen, temp time off for blatant habitual offenders of civility.

I've been coming here for quite a while. Granted, i've done my fair share of stepping over the line. But i've also respected periodic efforts by the mods to cool things down. But personally, I don't know that I care much for the thought of a sanitized vanilla forum where adults cannot converse with other adults in the manner with which adults at times communicate.......which often involves disagreement. What a boring world if everyone agreed on everything. What a boring forum it would be.

For those who do not wish to participate in any particular subject matter?....then don't. How hard is that? No need to piss and moan, just go your own way to discussions more to your liking, if they exist. Hell, instead of belly aching maybe start a damn discussion every once in a while. I mean, if you know what we shouldn't be talking about, surely you know what we should be talking about, yeah? Sure, music/recording, but there is more to life than music, and a well rounded forum recognizes that fact. I come here and there's very little going on, a "political" thread is started and it hits 7 pages in a couple of days? Does it really give you the sadz?

So, yeah, make yourself happy and start a thread of interest.
I was wondering what you were talking about in this thread. Then I looked at some of the new threads and saw Dumbest trial ends or whatever you called it.

That thread is why I stopped being a liberal democrat. MY liberal democrats are not like these idiots. The people attacking the informed (all over the net) aren't actually able to attack the facts of the Rittenhouse case. 99% of them don't even know them. So, they attack the people who agree with the verdict. How dare you think that? He's guilty because I say so. It was just racism that got him off (even though it was a white guy who killed 2 white guys) It's easy, at every step of the way, to understand why he was found not guilty. It was Rittenhouse being chased down.

The #1 response is: He shouldn't have been there with an assault rifle. They repeat it like it's the law. Well, it's NOT. If you don't like the laws, elect officials that will change them. I'm sure that change is coming... NOT!

Some lies told by the media and prosecutor (which is why the Judge ripped into them so many times)

1. Rittenhouse traveled across state lines with an illegal weapon. He didn't. The weapon was given to him in Kenosha by one of the people he was going to work for.

2. Rittenhouse had no connection to Kenosha, and had no right being there (but Antifa and BLM ALL lived in Kenosha) Rittenhouse worked 7 miles outside Kenosha and has friends who live there. It was one his hang out towns. He was also part of a group attempting to remove graffiti from businesses days earlier. Some people actually love the places they live and hang out, and want to see them kept up and not destroyed.

3. The AR-15 was illegal for a minor to possess. That charge was dropped, because it wasn't. It would have had to be modified for it to be illegal.

4. Rittenhouse was a proud white nationalist. Which was never brought up, never proven and only mentioned on-line by morons who don't know him. I forget the name of the new hate group liberals have been pouncing on since Trump. The Proud Boys or something like that. It's the new version of the KKK. The bizarre part is, many of the members are black, latino, and I've seen photos of white members who are married to black women. So, I don't get how people just say shit that's so obviously bullshit.

5. Rittenhouse and his friends were there to cause trouble. Like they were the ones that burned buildings, set fires, and vandalized businesses. The backward thinking of the new liberal is mind-numbing. But, the saving grace is, you can't win when you're 100% wrong, and you base opinions on lies. So, when all this is written in history, what these idiots want will never come to be. They'll still be frustrated idiots.

6. This is my favorite, and was proven to be 100% wrong. The Prosecutor told the jury in his opening statement that Rosenbaum was shot in the back while running away from Rittenhouse. Which was a complete fabrication. Rosenbaum was always the aggressor. It was proven by video, and the Prosecutor knew it. Yet, he thought, I'll tell the jury this, and they won't believe their lying eyes.

For anyone who thinks he was just there to gun people down, just watch the video that's been shown millions of times. Rittenhouse only shot people who physically attacked him. There's one guy while he was on the ground who attempted to, Rittenhouse pointed the gun, the guy stopped coming (he was less than 10' away probably) and Rittenhouse didn't shoot him. He could have if he was trigger happy, out to kill as many as possible. The guy that lived, had he landed where he was jumping, would have landed on his head.

Many of the Prosecutors main witnesses that night, contradicted the Prosecutor. This is a case that should have never taken place. Anyone with a functioning brain knew it.

In the new liberal mind "none of the facts matters. Because they say so..."
Whats wrong with being a 'nationalist'?

I thought nationalism was about being proud and promoting your country. It doesnt matter what colour you are or what country you are from.

Being a nationalist does not mean you are a far right Nazi type of person goose stepping around.

A nationalist and a Nazi and a member of some race dividing group are all different things.
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Apologies to all I offended.

It is my belief that you need to be 18 to take the stand. You need to be 18 to legally make your own decisions.

Kyle was 17 and could not make the decision to carry the rifle. Somebody else empowered him and placed that rifle in his hands.

Kyle could not handle the responsibility and killed people. He appeared to be in a fantasy world where he was playing a hero medic. Strongly appearing mentally ill.

Good ole shit eyes.
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Apologies to all I offended.

It is my belief that you need to be 18 to take the stand. You need to be 18 to legally make your own decisions.

Kyle was 17 and could not make the decision to carry the rifle. Somebody else empowered him and placed that rifle in his hands.

Kyle could not handle the responsibility and killed people. He appeared to be in a fantasy world where he was playing a hero medic. Strongly appearing mentally ill.

Good ole shit eyes.

I may disagree with you on this and I may agree with you on other things. That's okay...it's okay to disagree. Let's just please keep it chill, we can express ourselves without getting too carried away. Okay? I don't want to see threads closed, or anyone banned, temporarily or otherwise. I like you Beaky. I have to admit I don't always understand you, but you're a colorful character and the place is better for it having you around. Chill, brother.
I had little doubt of either of those things, but I appreciate you putting yourself out to clarify. It's a thankless job, moderation, but I reckon somebody's got to do it. Just in case no one has mentioned it lately, thank you, my friend.

Care to take a stroll over to the "What did you have for dinner tonight" thread? It's going to be awesome. I mean, seriously, what do mods eat for dinner...that's what inquiring minds really want to know.
Look....it's ok to say.....if you don't want to participate on a topic.....then don't. And I think all of us do that to some extent. For example....If I don't want to talk about Tascam subjects.....I don't. But what if you do want to talk about a subject but find the thread has become personal and toxic? That's the problem IMHO.

I've been closing threads because people aren't being chill.

And I will continue to do so.
I don't have an issue with civil political discussion, but when the majority of the new threads and new posts are simply rehashing the same pointless comments over and over, I agree.... time to close the door.

I've already got a few members on my ignore list.
Whats wrong with being a 'nationalist'?

I thought nationalism was about being proud and promoting your country. It doesnt matter what colour you are or what country you are from.

Being a nationalist does not mean you are a far right Nazi type of person goose stepping around.

A nationalist and a Nazi and a member of some race dividing group are all different things.

NAZI is literally "National Socialism" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism
Look....it's ok to say.....if you don't want to participate on a topic.....then don't.
Indeed. If NOBODY is interested in a thread topic, then wouldn't it just die on it's own?
Somebody comes in and tells everyone how bad the thread is, that we shouldn't be on it.
It is NOT anyone's obligation to participate in the thread, so why do they?
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That thread is why I stopped being a liberal democrat. MY liberal democrats are not like these idiots.
Though I'm not one myself, I had a lot of admiration for the liberal democrats you are talking about.
Their voice of protest was one I could listen to and respect.
I could support the progressive social/economic changes that they brought forward.
Those needs were based on a genuine human compassion and on negotiated reasoning.
The version of democrat I see today is hateful, intolerant, divisive.
There is no negotiating or reasoning with the cancel culture they represent.
I don't have an issue with civil political discussion, but when the majority of the new threads and new posts are simply rehashing the same pointless comments over and over, I agree.... time to close the door.
That starts out good, but it looks like stealth cancel culture at work from here.
(e.g. a Civil discussion is okay, but oh how dumb you are to talk about that subject again).
Nobody has to participate in a "dumb thread".
And if nobody was interested in the same pointless comments as you say, then wouldn't the thread just die?

Likewise for the one about starting a thread that someone is interested in.
(Like you fool, don't you know why people come here?)
So people go back to posting "on topic" threads and nobody is interested in them.
Mick Doobie picked up on that one too.
A bad case of the sadz, I think he called it.
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I have been arrested 6 times since 2012. Jailed 2. Twice on trial. Psych ward twice to be declared fit for trial. Spent over $100, 000 on my defense. Spent 10 days in and then 3. 2 open investigations currently with Internal Affairs Chicago. I was falsely arrested 6 times for crimes I did not commit. The law does not function. So its not worth arguing law. I argue what is right and wrong.