PLAY BUTTON simple problem?


New member
My tascam 488 was fine one day. Then for what seemed like no reason, the play button stopped rolling the tapes. ???? Fast forward works. Rewind works. And it works when no tape is in there but the trigger is pressed. Sooooo.... I cleaned the heads. No results. Blew out all the dust and wiped out all the grease and other crud that had accumulated. Nothing. Tape is in there, fast forwards, rewinds, stops, but won't record or play. So please somebody help me! I got some songs I need to get out! :)
No. Radio Shack doesn't sell it as far as I know.

Best bet is TASCAM's parts department out in Montebello, CA.

Phone: (323) 726-0303

All this is assuming you feel comfortable opening up the unit to check and change the belt yourself! :eek:

If not, seek out a qualified service center to do the job. :cool:

Cheers! :)