Trump on Trial!

I don’t believe for a second that you’re sincere, but just in case you can start here:

There’s much, much more but you cultists are far too intellectually lazy and lack the basic honesty and critical thinking skills required to evaluate the veracity of the information being presented. That would take time and work. I’m sure you’d rather sling more insults or mindlessly parrot the usual conspiracy theories like the typical Traitor Trump cultist.
Instead of an analysis, how about quoting his actual words, before the riot:
“And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
“We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period.”
This leads me to believe he was not inciting violence?

During the riot:
“Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”
Instead of an analysis, how about quoting his actual words?

This leads me to believe he was not inciting violence?
Why did he sit on his fat ass for three hours? Why did he ask to have the magnetometer screening stopped stating “I don’t f***ing care if they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f***ing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the f***ing mags away,”

From the arch conservative Washington Times:

Why did he sit on his fat ass for three hours?
He had said all that needed saying.
Why did he ask to have the magnetometer screening stopped stating “I don’t f***ing care if they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f***ing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the f***ing mags away,”
If I remember correctly... for all their alleged guns, the only person shot was a protester. Silly article here that well details media bias:

Why did he sit on his fat ass for three hours? Why did he ask to have the magnetometer screening stopped stating “I don’t f***ing care if they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f***ing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the f***ing mags away,”

From the arch conservative Washington Times:

You're right, I would read that if I didn't already know it's just hearsay from questionable sources... and I gave a shit.

At least my amygdala can still tell the difference in the dark, buttbreath.
Besides, @Buddhabreath, maybe you might confirm your national identity? I'm openly Canadian-American, btw.

If indeed you are Scandinavian... I can't imagine a culture less able to understand American politics. From what I know, those countries have such a dissimilar political history.
Besides, @Buddhabreath, maybe you might confirm your national identity? I'm openly Canadian-American, btw.

If indeed you are Scandinavian... I can't imagine a culture less able to understand American politics. From what I know, those countries have such a dissimilar political history.
I’m glad I chose to engage. I’m American born in Washington DC and my ancestors fought for this nation since at least the Civil War and l’ll be god damned if I’m going to silently sit back while Traitor Trump and his simpering sycophantic moron MAGAt cultists spit on the graves of the brave men who scaled the cliffs of Normandy To defeat fascism and save democracy only to have domestic fascists, traitors and cultists threaten it from within.

I’ve said my peace and I know from 5O years of political discourse that you can’t get facts or logical argument through the thick skulls of right-wing nut jobs, so I’m done.
I’m glad I chose to engage. I’m American born in Washington DC and my ancestors fought for this nation since at least the Civil War and l’ll be god damned
HM3 Williams, 2nd MarDiv CSSD91
I hail from a very long line of actual patriots and law enforcement...
You're full of shit.
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That's not to mention all the "men in black" who actually directed traffic and kicked in the doors...

Why aren't more people talking about the utter failure of security to defend the most well protected piece of real estate in the world that day?

I miss Tucker Carlson :(
They are just not on Demleftist water-carrying outlets like MSDNC etc.

Ultimately however it's on the imbeciles who went into the Capitol without giving 10 secs of thought to the potential fallout which I don't see emphasized enough by conservatives. What Pelosi did or didn't do as far as security would have been a non-issue if those people hadn't handed Dems a gift on a silver platter in bonehead fashion and given those like BuddhaLeddy an excuse to jump up and down screeching about it falsely calling it an insurrection. No it wasn't an insurrection but it was stupid as hell. If they'd simply done what Trump actually encouraged them to do and protested from a legal distance Demleftists and their sycophantic media of course would still be making noise about it but they wouldn't have had video of them pushing over barriers, smashing windows, that clown wandering around in his horn hat, Ashli Babbitt would likely still be alive.

There's no reason to miss Tucker - he can be seen on both YouTube and Twitter.

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There are few mentally ill folk in this thread. They believe in talking snakes! Watch where your step, you could get bitten. They have their very own talking snake now that they offer up worship to.
There are few mentally ill folk in this thread. They believe in talking snakes! Watch where your step, you could get bitten. They have their very own talking snake now that they offer up worship to.
Indeed. These traitor MAGAts are sick, delusional cultists and shockingly ignorant and not very bright. I’m not be engaging further with those lowlifes. As it is, I feel like I need to take a hot shower. Yeeeech!
They are just not on Demleftist water-carrying outlets like MSDNC etc.

Ultimately however it's on the imbeciles who went into the Capitol without giving 10 secs of thought to the potential fallout which I don't see that emphasized enough by conservatives. What Pelosi did or didn't do as far as security would have been a non-issue if those people hadn't handed Dems a gift on a silver platter in bonehead fashion and given those like BuddaLeddy an excuse to jump up and down screeching about it falsely calling it an insurrection. No it wasn't an insurrection but it was stupid as hell. If they'd simply done what Trump actually encouraged them to do and protested from a legal distance Demleftists and their sycophantic media of course would still be making noise about it but they wouldn't have had video of them pushing over barriers, smashing windows, that clown wandering around in his horn hat, Ashli Babbitt would likely still be alive.

There's no reason to miss Tucker - he can be seen on both YouTube and Twitter.

I don't believe it was simply a "perfect storm"...

Security didn't just fail, Trump's request for extra security was denied weeks in advance.

That crowd was directed to and encouraged to breech the gates by operatives in the crowd who were videoed, but never identified.

Literal "men in black" riot gear were also videoed breaking the glass and busting in the doors for the crowd... then they disappeared.

Tucker Carlson was fired soon after airing the videos...

Fact, not fiction.
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I don't believe it was simply a "perfect storm"...

Security didn't just fail, Trump's request for extra security was denied weeks in advance.

That crowd was directed to and encouraged to breech the gates by operatives in the crowd who were videoed, but never identified.

Literal "men in black" riot gear were also videoed breaking the glass and busting in the doors for the crowd... then they disappeared.

Tucker Carlson was fired soon after airing the videos...

Fact, not fiction.
Sick, delusional cultist moron complete with whacko conspiracy garbage that’s been debunked a million times. Can you imagine the mentally behind this? Pathetic.
Sick, delusional cultist moron complete with whacko conspiracy garbage that’s been debunked a million times. Can you imagine the mentally behind this? Pathetic.
10,000hrs of continuous surveillance video... that the democrats didn't want released to the public...